This is the show by and for DevSecOps practitioners who are trying to survive information overload, get through marketing nonsense, do the right technology bets, help their organizations to deliver value, and last but not the least to have some fun. Tune in for talks about technology, ways of working, and news from DevSecOps. This show is not sponsored by any technology vendor and trying to be as unbiased as possible. We talk like no one is listening! For good or bad :) For more info, show notes, and discussion of past and upcoming episodes visit devsecops.fm
Friday Feb 05, 2021
DEVSECOPS Talks #23 - How Do We Run Kubernetes In The Cloud?
Friday Feb 05, 2021
Friday Feb 05, 2021
How do you run Kubernetes in the cloud? Still using Kops? Or is it time to jump to the managed offerings?
We go through the list of things you might be missing out on if not yet using a managed solution.
Also, in this episode - what do you always configure in the k8s cluster? CNI, Ingress, IAM, and even more!
Visit https://devsecops.fm to see show notes and https://gitter.im/devsecopstalks/community to join a discussion
Friday Jan 22, 2021
DEVSECOPS Talks #22 - Who are Mattias, Julien and Andrey?
Friday Jan 22, 2021
Friday Jan 22, 2021
It's been almost a year since we started the podcast, but we never took time to explain who we are and what problems we solve for our customers/employers. So in this episode, you will find more details about us and, as usual, references to useful tools, talks, and techniques.
Visit https://devsecops.fm to see show notes and https://gitter.im/devsecopstalks/community to join a discussion
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
DEVSECOPS Talks #21 - Surviving AWS Outage
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
AWS had a severe incident at the end of November. Kinesis in us-east-1 went dark for quite some time, and a ripple effect caused degradation of other services like CloudWatch, ECS, and others.
As a Cloud Engineering practitioner, how do you get yourself and your organization ready for a such turn of events?
Visit https://devsecops.fm to see show notes and https://gitter.im/devsecopstalks/community to join a discussion
Monday Dec 07, 2020
Monday Dec 07, 2020
Andrey wants monitoring to be more magical, or does he want a wrong thing? What are the sane defaults? And why do we have to set up boilerplate monitoring again and again?
Mattias shares what he does for monitoring security events.
Julien explains why using logs to debug in a microservices architecture is costly and inefficient.
Visit https://devsecops.fm to see show notes and https://gitter.im/devsecopstalks/community to join a discussion
Monday Nov 23, 2020
DEVSECOPS Talks #19-2020 - Deleting Resources In The Cloud
Monday Nov 23, 2020
Monday Nov 23, 2020
How to decommission resources from your cloud environment to keep it clean?
What to do when a resource is created without being in the infrastructure code?
Andrey is going through a checklist he uses to delete resources and the utility serverless functions he wrote.
ArgoCD is a project that does GitOps and automatically delete resources in Kubernetes namespaces if they are not defined.
We talked about the different layers of abstraction for infrastructure as code and where it makes sense to have a terraform controller in a Kubernetes cluster to manage the application dependencies.
Visit https://devsecops.fm to see show notes and https://gitter.im/devsecopstalks/community to join a discussion
Monday Oct 26, 2020
DEVSECOPS Talks #18-2020 - HashiConf Special
Monday Oct 26, 2020
Monday Oct 26, 2020
Initially, we planned this episode as a discussion about HashiCorp Nomad and invited Jacob Lärfors. He recently published a great article about his experience working with Nomad (see link in the show notes). However, because of a few postponements, and with HashiConf that happened just a week ago, we decided to extend the podcast’s scope to go over all of the announcements that they did during the conference. So here it is - HashiConf special: all you need to know about everything that HashiCorp announced during the conference plus a discussion about Nomad!
Visit https://devsecops.fm to see show notes and https://gitter.im/devsecopstalks/community to join a discussion
Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
DEVSECOPS Talks #17-2020 - Best Practices for Building Docker Images
Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
This is the first episode in the new format - 30 minutes short and crisp episodes, i.e., less water and side discussions, focusing on the topic, duration under (well, almost under) 30 minutes. We hope you like it!
The topic of this episode is building docker images - automation, security, best practices.
In this episode, we discuss:
- Saving money with T3a family
- Building Docker images locally and in CI
- Setting up deamonless Docker builds for CI and k8s
- Using multistage builds to keep your images nice and clean as well as encapsulate the build environment and make it portable
- Passing secrets to Docker build and inspecting image layers for secrets (ssh-agent and many more)
- Keeping Docker images updated with dependencies and updates
- Scanning Docker images for vulnerabilities
- Docker image layers caching - doing it right
- DockerHub is to delete old images stored for free, and GitHub is ready to host them for you
- Docker image naming so you can find all you need to debug quickly
In some of the information overlaps with episode #3 but greatly extends information provided before https://devsecops.fm/episodes/docker-secure-build/
Visit https://devsecops.fm to see show notes and https://gitter.im/devsecopstalks/community to join a discussion
Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
DEVSECOPS Talks #16-2020 - Do you need a staging environment?
Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
In this episode, we discuss options for splitting your deployment stages.
We hear people coming up with all possible type of environments - dev, test/QA, integration, stage, prod, etc
How many do you actually need? What is the reason for having all those stages?
Maybe do you need less? Why not deploy directly to production using some fancy technique?
Put it simply - stage or not to stage?
Visit https://devsecops.fm to see show notes and https://gitter.im/devsecopstalks/community to join a discussion
Thursday Sep 17, 2020
DEVSECOPS Talks #15-2020 - Remote Work Security
Thursday Sep 17, 2020
Thursday Sep 17, 2020
Let's talk about security in the era of remote work. Most of us have experienced a flaky VPN connection.
What are the alternatives? SSH certificates? Yubikey?
We discussed various topics around security inside a cluster and outside.
Visit https://devsecops.fm to see show notes and https://gitter.im/devsecopstalks/community to join a discussion
Monday Aug 31, 2020
DEVSECOPS Talks #14-2020 - Theory of constraint
Monday Aug 31, 2020
Monday Aug 31, 2020
This time, we are joined by Henrik Høegh who shares his unique perspective on applying the theory of constraint to IT transformation as well as how it applies in the world of Cloud Native. We go back to the origin of DevOps, discussing the various problems companies are facing when transforming their organizations and adopting cultural changes.
Visit https://devsecops.fm to see show notes and https://gitter.im/devsecopstalks/community to join a discussion